LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA Launches ” LIC’S Cancet Cover” Plan on 14th Nov- 2017. As an Health Insurance Policy. It is a non- linked plan where premiums are payable in yearly or half yearly mode. Fixed benefits are paid in case thr Life Assured is diagnosed with any specified early and / or Major stage cancer during the polcy term subject to terms and conditions.
Tbhere are two benifits options available. Option One is level Sum Assured. Option two the sum Assured increases by 10% of Basic Sum Assured for the first five years.
25% of lumpsum benefit is paid for early stage cancer and also the premiums payable waived for the subseauent 3 years in this case. For major stage cancer.100% of Sum Assured or Increased Sum Assuerd. under Option 2 is payable less claims paid in respects of early stage cancer on the policy. Also, under Major Stage Cancer income benefit of 1% Sum Assured shall be payable every month for subsequent 10 years irrespective of wheater Life Assured survives the period or not in this case, future permiums will be waived.
These benefits are available subject to exclusions relating to Pre. – existing conditions, etc. There is also waiting period of 180 days from commensment/ revival.
Policy can be taken from age 20 – 65 years and is available upto 75 years of age, Sum Assured is available from 10 Lakhs to 50 Lakhs. The policy is also available On – line.
With increasing prevalence of cancer cases and high cost of treatmemt involved, the plan is the need of the hour to protect from any such unforeseen calamity.
For future information please contact.
Regional Manager (CC), LIC of India,
Southern Zonal Office, Chennai. Telephone no – 044 28604145.
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