Silver Jubilee Celebrations of SREC – PR

The launch of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College was celebrated with much grandeur. The Chief Guest, Dr. Harish Krishnaswamy, Chief Operating Officer, Tata Trusts, Managing Trustee, Shri. R. Vijayakumhar and family members of the Trust, invitees from industries and Academia, parents, alumni and students graced the occasion. The function began with the audiovisual presentation compiled by the students and faculty advisors which displayed the journey of the institution right from its inception till date. Dr. Ebenezer Jeyakumar, Director, Academic welcomed the gathering. Dr. N.R. Alamelu delivered the Institution Report projecting the accomplishments and accolades of the College followed by the Presidential report by the Managing Trustee. The chief guest Dr. Harish Krishnaswamy, inaugurated the launch of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations.  In his speech at the outset congratulated the institution for its accomplishment. He then urged the students to dream big because of the global change in technology. He added that the seeds of creating a special change are within the youth. So Students ought to develop their competency skills. He asked the students to go global with a hyper local approach. Challenging Approaches from technical people leading to social changes is needed. He finally reiterated on the fact that in this competitive world, students should think constructively and create great things technologically.

  The Silver jubilee logo which was created by the faculty and animated by the students was released by Managing Trustee. He also presented the memento with the logo to the Chief Guest which was designed and fabricated by the faculty. Dignitaries present include Mr.Lakshminarayanaswamy, Joint Managing Trustee, Mr.V.Ramakrishna, Chief operating officer, Mrs.Swathi Rohit, Chief Business Officer, Mr.C.V Ramkumar, Chief Executive Officer, Heads of sister Institutions, Former principals, Various Alumni from parent chapter Alumni Association, Bangalore Chapter, Chennai Chapter and student parents.  Dr. P.Karuppuswamy, Vice-Principal proposed  vote of thanks.

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