Breast Cancer Awareness event Held at Stella Maris College by Apollo Hospitals Chennai

Chennai: In recognition of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Apollo Hospitals Chennai organised a panel discussion session on the importance of “Early Detection of Breast Cancer” among students at Stella Maris College Chennai. Panel of experts from Apollo Cancer Centre educated the attendees about the stages of Breast Cancer and the need for awareness.



Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women globally and in India. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 2.1 million people are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. Statistics show that 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with Breast Cancer around the world and in India, one in every 28 women gets one of more than 12 types of breast cancer in their lifetime. Rapid Change in lifestyle has increased the number of younger women falling prey to Breast Cancer in India. Apollo Hospitals Chennai organized this event in the spirit of raising awareness among young women on the importance of recognizing and screening for any symptoms of breast cancer. 
An Eminent Panel of experts including Dr.Bhagyam Raghavan, Senior Consultant Radiologist, Breast & Onco Imaging Specialist, Apollo Cancer Centre, Dr.Rathna Devi, Senior Consultant Radiation Oncologist, Apollo Cancer Centre, Dr.Selvi Radhakrishna, Senior Consultant Breast & Oncoplastic Surgeon, Apollo Hospitals & Chennai Breast Centre, Mr. Dinesh Madhavan, President, Apollo Hospitals Group Oncology & International addressed the symptoms, Diagnosis – Mammogram, risk factors, treatment, Care and coping skills in fighting Breast cancer.

Expressing concern about the growing prevalence of breast cancer, Ms. Preetha Reddy, Vice Chairperson, Apollo Hospitals said, “In India, breast cancer has become the most common cancer in women and delayed diagnosis of the disease leads to a high mortality rate. This must change and Apollo Hospitals is committed to empowering India with information about the invaluable merits of early detection of breast cancer, which makes it conquerable. Today, an unfortunate statistic is that almost every 13 minutes, a woman dies of breast cancer. As responsible country, India has to come together and usher positive change to make this statistic history.”

Speaking during the occasion Ms. Suneeta Reddy, Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals said, “Women are integral to building stronger nations and we must encourage them live healthy so that they realise their fullest potential. As alumni, I am greatly pleased that my institution, Stella Maris College is partnering Apollo Hospitals in raising breast health awareness in the community. It’s critical that early on, women become aware about reducing risk factors of breast cancer and also the importance of early detection of cancer. Students are change makers and we at Apollo Hospitals are keen to partner them in building a healthier India.”

Breast Cancer Conquers who were treated at Apollo Hospitals, shared their inspirational come back stories with the young women audience from Stella Maris College. Over 100 students actively participated in the discussion and clarified their doubts and the myths about breast cancer with the experts from Apollo Cancer Centre Chennai. Students also pledged to support the fight against Breast cancer and showcased their art works and paintings based on the theme “Importance of Breast Cancer Awareness”.


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