Chennai, January, 2020: Setting the stage for a bright and prosperous new year during the Pongal festive season, COLORS Tamil is all set to bring to viewers a star-studded line-up in its popular game show Kodeeswari. K-Town celebs — Varalakshmi, Sarathkumar and RahulSarathkumar, Radha, Ramya Krishnan, Aishwarya Rajesh, and retro couple PoornimaBagiyaraj will add a spice of glamour as they take a shot at winning big cash prizes from Monday, the 13th at 8:00 PM, which will then be donated for a good cause.
The festive week kicks off with Varalakshmi on the hot seat, along with her father Sarathkumar and brother Rahul. As the whole family bombard you with their witty jokes, sit back and enjoy the fun. As is the practice, the purse will be given away to a charity of the participants’ choice and this family has decided to lift the life of Chennai girl Aarthi, who is inflicted by a rare ailment called Wilson disease.
The upcoming week will also unveil a surprise entry of forever young and bubbly Radha in the form of top 80’s Kollywood actors.
Bahubali’sRajamatha and our beloved “Queen” Ramya Krishnan then shall rule the hot seat, donating her prize money to the Aravind Foundation, who help and support children with special needs. Lending a celebratory mood to the episode, Ramya Krishnan and ardent host RadikaaSarathkumar are seen slaying the unforgettable “Neelamabari” pose together.
Adding on, leading Kollywood beauty Aishwarya Rajesh will feature along with aspiring woman cricketer Naga Lakshmi from Tondairpet, Chennai. The reel and real life cricketers share the struggles they have dealt with in their lives and how the Kodeeswari platform stands to fulfil the dreams of a budding woman cricket player. The young and determined Nagalakshmi dreams of playing for the Indian Women Cricket Team.
The starry couple Poornima and Bhagiyaraj will spread more joy and cheer to the audience this festive season in Kodeeswari.
Tune in to witness Kodeeswari to witness the excitement unfold on COLORS Tamil from Monday to Friday at 8:00 PM. The audience can also tune in to VOOT to watch all the episodes of Kodeeswari.